Friday, August 24, 2007

Jesus Gets DQ'd

This just in Great Beard Challenge fans! The competition that originally started with 4 has lost another member. Today at 2:34 AM the home of Jesus of Nazareth was raided on suspision of illegal means to grow a beard where Jesus was found to be using supernatural powers to grow his beard. Great Beard Challenge officials immediately disqualified him from the competition.

"I thought it was weird when he had a full beard on the first day of the competition" - one anonymous competitor named Sean said in a statement to the press.

Jesus's Mug Shot

"You know, I expect this kind of thing out of the Canadian, but Jesus? Really? That one threw me for a loop." said a GBC fan.

When asked for coment Jesus said, "I was only doing what came naturally to me. Can you ask a bird to not fly, or a bee not to sting? Would you ask Jesse to not be a tool with women? I think in our hearts, we all know the answer to that question."

With the odds on favorite out of the competition, the race is heating up as we come in to the home stretch. The first annual GBC is anyone's game.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

bearden day 21

bearden day 21 side

neden day 21

neden day 21 side

jesus day 21

Special thanks to Liang for introducing us to Raptor Jesus.

bearden day 18

bearden day 18 side

neden day 18

neden day 18 side

ross day 18

ross day 18 side

jesus day 18

Thursday, August 16, 2007

bearden day 17

bearden day 17 side

neden day 17

neden day 17 side

ross day 17

ross day 17 side

jesus day 17

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

bearden day 16

bearden day 16 side

neden day 16

neden day 16 side

ross day 16

ross day 16 side

jesus day 16

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

bearden day 15

bearden day 15 side

neden day 15

neden day 15 side

ross day 15

ross day 15 side

jesus day 15

A Dropout and a New Challenger

I know that there wasn't a daily update yesterday, and to the 2 of you that read this, I am sorry Mom and Dad. We have had some recent changes to the contest. We lost Scoteb to a wife that doesnt like scratchy faces, but in his stead, a new contender emerges. This one is already a champion beard grower and also a little more Irish. Rossda shaved his considerable KAB on Monday and is now in a race to catch up. Which leads me to our new poll. How long until Ross catches up. My vote is for yesterday...

Friday, August 10, 2007

1ncredib1e growth !s possib1e!!

This just in! By utilizing a revolutionary product from ebay I was able to achieve incredible growth! Supposedly as many as 300,000 men are now satisfied because of it, and now so am I. And of course the best part is the ladies love it! I had felt insecure about my beard size, but not anymore. Thanks Dr. Smiths.



Vote for the 2 week winner

Click on the pictures for a close up of the KAB's


Nerd Word(s): KAB


- Acronym(Kick Ass Beard)

1. A beard that is really awesome
2. A beard that demands attention
3. A beard that gets the ladies

[ Origin: When Sean and I grew our first beards(Read: stuble) many years ago(Read: last week), we began calling them our "Kick Ass Beard's". This was eventually made in to a TLA, as we programmers have a tendency to do with everything. ]

- usage

1. Random wimpy guy: "There's no way I can get the lid off that jar. It's on too tight."
Me: "Let a man with a KAB take care of it"

2. Sean: "So, you asked her out and she shut you down?"
Me: "Yeah, I think she was intimidated by my KAB"

- see also
KAG(Kick Ass Goatee) - What Scot's face has decided to grow on it's own.

- examples
See every picture of me Sean taken in the past two weeks.

bearden day 11

bearden day 11 side

neden day 11

neden day 11 side

bryant day 11

bryant day 11 side

jesus day 11

Im pretty sure that lamb has a better beard than us...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

jesus day 10

bearden day 10

beady little eyes

bearden day 10 side